Monday, December 20, 2010

Sports bra

The tag on my the new sports bra I just got is inspiring.

it says: a fit woman is a powerful woman.

Alright world, you better watch out. This woman is getting fitter with every run.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

What a difference.

What a difference a few degrees of temperature and a few degrees of incline make. Whoa. Today I did my first FL run in close to 3 months and it felt like a breeze! Okay, maybe that was a little bit of an exaggeration but for real. I feel like given weather like tonight and a flat route. I'm set to go. Princesses BRING IT ON!
Back in B'ham those darn hills get the best of me and if that weren't enough, my lungs are learning a whole new lesson on breathing in cold air. Don't get me wrong, its awesome, but I'm not sure I realized how much progress I had actually made because those hills frustrate me SO much!
Since I will be running my race here in FL tonight was a real encouragement. All my time fighting those hills is paying off. I will continue to do it. The scenery here though, is lacking a bit of gusto compared to B' off, I guess?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sister and Snow

My sister is here in WA for a visit and it is so much fun! We went up Mt. Baker yesterday and today to stretch our snowboarding legs and play in the snow. Guess what? Snowboarding is a sport made for barefootish runners! Can you say killer calves? I don't think it gets my heart rate up quite as high as running, but I've decided that it is a MUCH better workout to be a mediocre snowboarder than it is to be a skilled snowboarder :) I'm in luck! Plus, you get to laugh harder at the ridiculous falls. Yesterday, I fell with my head facing down the mountain and slid for a good 45 seconds without being able to stop. Never had that happen to me while running.... (thank goodness)

Still. As excited as I am about my sister and the snow, I can't wait to get back to FL see the rest of my family and log some serious miles in some incredible weather! Sunshine, I'm coming for better be out when I get there!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


After a way too long process of back and forth in the mail...I finally got my new shoes! I'm in love. I mean, they are not hot pink and I will always have a special attachment to my first pair of well loved running shoes....but my new ones are awesome239850.jpg

In Working Order

Finals week is brutal. It has been quite some time since I've had to get through a finals week and I've forgotten what its all about. And on top of that, I don't think I've ever taken school so seriously, so I didn't care how finals went anyways. Needless to say, I got to the end of the week feeling broken. I felt so broken and out of sorts that I wasn't even relieved to be crazy is that?

I got home today after my last final and took a nap because I haven't slept very much in the past few days and woke up still feeling rather crummy. My friend talked me into go out to the gym and I decided to run around the track for a bit. I was itching to let loose on the trails tonight, but its dark and I would be by myself, and that's just not safe. So anyways, out on the track. It was dark and cool and slightly misty and perfect. This un-runner, is for sure a running girl. I don't know why I always forget in those moments of broken down yucky-ness that I always find my brain and my heart and my soul outside pounding out step after step. I am back in working order. Running fixes me and I love it. It brings peace and clarity and joy.

Run on.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


So things around here have been difficult lately. In a heart wrenching why is this world so broken and how are people SO wicked sort of way. About a month ago, a freshman boy went missing for several days and was found dead in the water just not too far from campus. It was very disturbing. Campus has tightened up and people are looking out for each other and remaining close. It is quite beautiful actually. But, just this evening a girl was assaulted with a gun on the trail that I take to get to and from school daily. I found out that this happened a couple hours before I was to go home. That is scary. Two men with a gun attacked this girl and they were not caught. This is the BEAUTIFUL trail that I have told many of you about. I know that Jesus was there with that girl holding her hand and I pray that she felt it. He is holding her heart as she heals tonight, I know it. I truly believe that trail is His sanctuary. Nobody but Jesus creates beauty like that and nobody but Satan and his most wicked defile it they way it has been. It makes me angry and scared and sad. I am boiling inside and ready to fight. I LOVE to run that trail as do SO many people in this community. It is one of my most favorite parts about the people here, they are so friendly and outdoorsy and trusting and all about being green. So many people would rather bike or walk, on this trail, because it helps to preserve the incredible nature that we all enjoy. Wickedness is ruining it. Please pray for healing and redemption of this town and of this trail. Jesus has authority here. Jesus loves this place. He will win. He will conquer. He has authority here. He has authority here.

In the mean time, I will need to find a new running plan. Hello treadmill....I will learn to deal with you.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New shoe disappointment :(

I've been upset because my beloved hot pink nike's have pretty much run as many miles as they can. There is a gaping hole in the side of them now and these pesky little rocks keep getting inside. It's time for retirement. I think I'll have to hold on to them though...something of sentimentality, you know, my first pair of running shoes :)

That being said. I ordered some new sneaks, I couldn't find hot pink, but purple will have to do. They were supposed to arrive in the mail today, but no. What a tease! UPS requires a signature...hopefully tomorrow!!!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Racing again!

So, I need a little intermediate motivation. 13 miles seems so how about a 1ok at the end of October? I think it sounds perfect! Plus, It will be the perfect debut for my new shoes...hehe :)

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Running out here in the PNW (Pacific Northwest, for those of you not in the know ;) ) has been incredible so far. On pretty much all of my runs, I've seen just as many deer as runners and for a Florida girl, that is no small number. Pretty awesome. In fact, seeing the deer is sometimes so breathe taking to me that it's hard to keep running. I want to just stop and watch them. And the view of the mountains. Whoa. That is a whole other story. Pretty much this whole week has been clear beautiful blue skies and so I could see Mt. Baker from all over town. It was so rejuvenating to make a turn and then Bam! off in the distance this ENORMOUS snow covered mountain. Thank you Jesus. I will keep running now. So anyways, all that has been great, but today...not so great.

I'm pretty sure this was the most frustrating run I've had since I went for that first miserable lap around the track. Why? Everything hurt. My knees hurt. my lungs hurt. even my stomach for some strange reason hurt. You know what was worse? I gave up. Usually if something is going on, I can be stubborn enough to push through it and get a decent run out anyways. My goal was somewhere between 3 and 4 miles. I didn't want to push it too hard...FIVE miles is on the schedule for tomorrow EEK. Here we go! But anyways. I think I ...maybe...made it 2 miles. I ran out and walked back. Bummer. and the thing is, I know why this happened and it was stupid. I know better. I haven't been eating well enough to run the way I've been running. My nutrition isn't terrible, I don't think, but its not as good as it was and it's not catering towards endurance training. PLUS. I hadn't had ANY water this morning. How dumb is that? How many times do I need to learn this lesson? I don't know, but here we go. I'm learning it again. Things are changing and I will run better tomorrow!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Running from the West Coast

Okay friends.
I have successfully (i hope) relocated to the Pacific Northwest!
and I am officially a converted trail runner. I took more days off from running than I would have liked...but running while on the road was just not practical. Plus, I picked up a nasty bug along the way that made it even more difficult.

So here I am in my new home and I've found the most terrific trail RIGHT BEHIND MY APARTMENT. I knew the trail was there before I moved in, but I didn't know just how awesome it was. The weather is great...though I know I'll have some new challenges as the winter approaches, I'll enjoy it while it's here. 60's-70's couldn't be better. I can build up a bit of a sweat..but I'm not DRIPPING. There are awesome ups and downs and curves on the trail that you just don't get on the road. And the TREES. Oh my goodness the trees. This place is the greenest place I have ever seen. The trees are huge. Some are starting to change colors ( this is what that word "fall" means...hmm) but many of them are evergreens and just beautiful and shady. You pass parks and gardens and lots of other runners. I love it!

Trails of Washington. Here I come!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

On Leave.

I'm going to officially announce that I am "On Leave" from the bloggy world from now until most likely the end of September. This hiatus marks the beginnings of great changes. I will be leaving to drive cross country to the beautiful state of Washington on Sunday. In the meantime, I am packing up my entire life and doing my best to say all my goodbyes, while running as much as I can.

I've reached a dilemma. Running is a great stress relief. and packing up your whole life (minus all the delightful people I love the most) to move 3,000+ miles away comes with a fair amount of stress. I wish my time and my body would allow me to spend ALL of my time running right now. The dilemma comes to play because running is also wonderful, precious, and effective thinking time. Thinking right now seems to go in one direction...the sad one. Tears definitely hamper your vision and running while not being able to see clearly is scary (especially when barefoot). Tears also lead to snot. Snot= difficult to breathe while running and gross when wiped all over my t-shirt. See the trouble? more? run less? don't run? deal with it?

I plan on running "through" it. I want to say "I ran all the way across the country"! HAHA. I think that would be so cool.

So all that being said. I'm busy and blogging is not at the top of the list. I should arrive in WA around September 11. If you spot a blog post before that, consider it a treat!

Talk to you next from the Pacific Northwest!!! eek!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Barefooted Bliss.

The only way to describe this is yummy.  The cool dewy grass in the early morning quiet with sweat pouring down my face, perfect start to the day!
I acted on a whim today and took off my shoes. I have been angry at my vibrams, but still really like the barefoot idea, so why not go all out? I got grass ALL over me, but it was wonderful.  It was even pretty cool, because the grass still had a significant amount of dew on it, when I turned around at my half way point, I could see my foot prints going the other direction.  I tried to take a picture but it wouldn't show up, so you get my dirty feet instead!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I am baffled.
Where exactly does all of this sweat come from? I mean, I know that I spend all day trying to get down enough water so that post run, post sweat pour, I won't be too dehydrated. So that I can sweat more efficiently, but still. I feel like if our skin is porous enough to allow as much sweat as I do, how am I not leaking water ALL the time? Maybe this is silly. Maybe I shouldn't admit that this confuses me, but it does. I am continually amazed by just how much sweat I can produce on one single run. The sun wasn't even fully out...

Anyways. This is the start of week 2 of training and we're starting to increase mileage this week. Today was just a quarter mile increase, not too bad. but here's something I've learned. Running is hard. Every time. A mile, 2 miles, or 4, My head still has to be in the right place and ready to fight to the end. every time. I think the difference is not ease, but confidence. When I run 4 miles, I am confident that I can run 2. Not that it's easy, but I know I can do it. hmm. interesting.

Friday, July 30, 2010


Today was day 5 of training....I got a little off earlier with my countdown, Monday was technically day 1, it was just a rest day so I forgot to count it. So Day 5, many to go.

Water is the key, I've decided. It's the make it or break it for me and today, it was almost the break it. I was soo tired on my run this afternoon. I get out of breath quicker and my muscles seem tired when they shouldn't be. Then I think back over my day and what do I discover? NO WATER. I drank diet soda all day because I stayed up too late last night finishing a silly project I was excited about and so needed the caffeine to stay awake. Usually I'm pretty good about still getting water in there too, but not today. Granted, the lack of sleep probably didn't help either...
but over all a good enough run. I just didn't feel as strong as usual. WATER WATER WATER makes all the difference, I'm telling you.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Yesterday was day 2 of the training schedule, but I realize that is somewhat false. This has been my goal all along, so I guess the OFFICIAL DAY 1 was way back in January, but still. Today is technically day 3 on the schedule, but I was a slacker and didn't post yesterday.

Day 2. 214 Days to go!
Total miles logged: 4

Day 2 was another 2 mile run and it went great! I was skeptical when I got off work because the sky decided to open up into a torrential downpour, AHH! I figured, well, that's what I get for being lazy and turning my alarm off when I'm supposed to be getting up to run in the morning. I made it home walked little B. (my puppy dog), cleaned up a little, got dinner together, had an awesome phone date with a lovely friend ;) and it was STILL raining. I though okay, if it gets to be around 7:45 and it's still raining, I'm going out anyways. I'd rather run in the rain and beat the dark. and Oh my heavens, at 7:30 the rain was rained out and I jetted outside.
Running after the rain, just before dark, this had to be the coolest (temperature wise) run I've done all summer! and it just gets better. I switched back to my Nike's..oh how I love them! It's like switching from driving an old UHAUL truck to a luxury car. The rides just can't be compared :) (maybe I'll try the vibrams again eventually...but for now.) and I ran on the golf course!!! I'm not sure if that is technically allowed or not? but it sure was sweet. Nice soft cushiony grass, yummy! I am NOT a morning runner- and this time, my evening run seemed to work out perfectly. The only thing that could have made it better is the return of my favorite running buddy K.D. and my fellow Princesses E.B. and N.K.-- Run on girls!

Day 3. 213 Days to go.
Total miles logged: 4

Today is Day 3 on the schedule and a rest day. I plan to dedicate my rest days to re-training little (not so little) B. on her leash manners. We seemed to have forgotten some very important lessons this year while we were enjoying the fenced in backyard. Bye bye backyard :( Hello obedience training. B. also recently discovered just how enticing bunnies are! haha, now I have to spot bunnies and squirrels before she does or I'm in trouble...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Week 1, Day 1, 2 miles logged. 31 weeks to go!

Today was day 1 of Princess training! I am registered for the Disney Princess Half Marathon in February and I AM going to do it! My sweet sweet friend is training with me and we have a schedule so that we can run together even though we're not together...hehe. What girls!

Anyways. Day 1 was 2 miles. I ran it a little later in the evening which was a nice break from the unbearable heat along the golf course which was a nice change in scenery. I'd say I'm off to a good start ;) !
I did run in my Vibrams....and I just can't say that I'm the biggest fan, yet. Maybe I'll become one. I just love my Nike's so much, I can't bring myself to get used to Vibrams. If it ain't broke, don't fix sort of ringing through my mind. We'll see. I'll try and give the ole five fingers a chance on my shorter runs.

OH AND! Note to self. I need to quit being such a girl and wearing shoes that give me blisters just because they are cute! I keep wearing super cute shoes to work that give me blisters in odd places on my feet and then it screws with my running for the next week. I'm done with the blisters!

Monday, July 26, 2010


Oh! and by the way. I already have my goal for next year!! Check this out all..

Running with MO

Okay. Pretty much a FAIL on the blogging lately. But here's some old stuff, and I suppose some updates too!

So I ran a 5k race on the 4th of July with my little sister. It was AWESOME and funny and such complete sisterly silliness! Honestly, I was hesitant to do it with her. I've been really proud of my running accomplishments, but she's always been in really good shape. I didn't want to be completely run over or realize that I haven't really done all that much. Both are silly. One, I'm never competitive, except maybe with myself, why should I care if she can run faster than me? I'm still running right? and Two, I couldn't run ONE lap around a track in January--OF COURSE I've come along way, no matter how far anyone else can run. She was a little hesitant too, I think. Haha. How funny would it be if I showed HER up!? She's supposed to be the in shape one.

All in all, it was just fun. We woke up way before the crack of dawn and coincidentally came downstairs dressed in exactly the same running shorts. Sisters, right? ;) I made her change. There's cute and then there's too cute. Running a race with my sister was cute, running it with my sister who is matching me...too much! We got to the race paced around and eventually made it to the start line. It was probably the most crowded race I'd been too, by far. Anyways, off we went. She stuck with me the WHOLE time. I'm sticking with the notion that I was encouraging her to go faster/farther than she would have gone on her own. She stayed just a few paces in front of me the whole time (by the way--as non-competitive as I am, that's how driven she is by competition) She kept on eye on me from the front though. It was cute to see her turn around and check on me ever couple minutes. We decided that if you are going to try and stick with someone-don't wear the race day shirt that EVERYONE else is wearing! It makes it very difficult to catch your friend/sister/partner/competition out of the corner of your eye. We decided something like tie-dye would work well for the next time. She stuck it out the whole time and maybe 200 yards from the end, she sprinted. HOW RUDE! Haha. I crossed the finish line and found her waiting just on the other side. I was convinced that she had finished at least a minute and change before me, but looking at pictures later, we were just less than 10 seconds apart!

On the drive home, she very sweetly asked, did I make you run faster? um, sorry, no. I pretty much stick to my chuggin along pace, but you did make me smile more sis. and it was a WHOLE lot of fun! Lets do it again!!

:) haha little sis! Look how far I've come! You better start tying up those running sneaks a little more often ;)

** So just a note on the current events, I am OFFICIALLY registered for the Disney Princess Half-Marathon!!!! and I believe some of my sweet sweet girlfriends are going to do it with me! So we've come up with a plan. We have a running schedule that we are both going to follow so that we can be running buddies without actually being in the same state! Tomorrow is day 1. 2 miles. I'll let you know how it goes. The goal is to stick to it as closely as possible and keep each other updated, encouraged, and motivated as best as possible. We're ALL about the silliness and fun of it all and girlfriends running with Tiaras is pretty much the most perfect thing ever! I think we should have training tiaras...what do you think N.?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Blogs, Blisters, and ....curbs?

Okay, so i've been complaining about my blog getting a little lackluster. I have been thinking about things that I might want to write, but none of them come out quite as good as I hoped, or as good as they sounded in my head. Here's what I've come up with. I haven't been pushing myself hard enough. The better thoughts (i.e. better blogs) always happen when I'm at the edge of my perceived limits. I discovered this as I was running harder than I think I've run in a while!

On to Blisters, I read in, I think it was Ultramarathon Man about how his blisters got so bad that the doc at one of the checkpoints lanceted them open, filled them with super glue and wrapped his foot with duct tape. I thought as I was reading it, man, how could you ever let someone do that to your foot? Well this is how. I ran 4 miles today--4 measly miles, and I had a blister for maybe 1.5 miles of it. If you would have asked me to describe the blister before I took my shoe off, I was sure there would be blood. and it had to be at least the size of a dvd (yes, I realize that is bigger than my whole foot). and regardless of the size, by the end, it hurt. I got home and the little bugger was no more than the size of a nickel. I cannot even imagine what it felt like to run I think upwards of 50 miles with a growing blister on your foot. I'm pretty sure fairly quickly I would let someone superglue my feet back together as well.

Now curbs. I tried to think of a word for curbs that started with a 'b', you know to go along with the theme, but no dice. If you have a suggestion, please let me know!
Curbs are a funny thing. I ran through my neighborhood today and at a certain point the sidewalk sort of stops and I take a little jump (jump is even too big of a word) down onto the street. On the way out, I don't even notice it. It is just another step in a long series of many steps. On the way back however, little wimpy non-curb somehow transforms itself into a mountain. I'm not quite sure how it manages? I get to that stinker of a curb and it threatens to trip me. Somehow, I know in my head, that if i can get my feet up over that monstrous curb, I am home free. I can make it to the end of my run. and I did. I scaled the mountain and made it back onto the sidewalk. Home!! it was glorious!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Disappointment...sort of.

So, I got to spend ten days on vacation at the beach. It was amazing to just wake up and know that there was nothing on the agenda but to hang out with some of my most favorite people. I ran and relaxed and read and swam a little...bliss!
I had just finished reading Born to Run which was oh so inspiring. I don't know who wouldn't be inspired to run after reading that book. The story is so touching. Then out on the beach this week I read Ultramarathon Man another inspiring read. That man is AMAZING. The things that he has been able to make he body do are incredible.

The disappointing part is... reading about all of these amazing athletes that are so passionate about running does not in fact make me an amazing endurance runner. It has improved my attitude and gotten me excited about my running, but the actual endurance--does not just change at the close of a chapter, darn. I guess I've got to keep logging the miles in my sneaks.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


2 things.
having time to just run = amazing
having time to just run and know i'm on vacation the rest of the day = absolutely incredible!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Stubborn Injury

I'm sure what is more stubborn, me, or the pain in my leg that just wants to linger on forever.

I haven't been posting because I've hardly been running and the runs that I have done, make me so mad I couldn't bring myself to write.

Here's the deal. Something has been going on with my right shin area (maybe not shin splints? I don't know). I was being stubborn and never gave my leg more than a day or two of rest before I went out and beat it again. Well guess what? It fought back. The pain progressed until it was throbbing at a run, it was throbbing at a walk, it was even hurting while I was sitting still with my leg up. I kept running until I really couldn't take another step without crying. Yes. Tears taught me my lesson. Give it a rest!

So I've been resting it. Guess what I've learned? I really do like running. I know I've said this before, but for some reason it still comes as a sort of shock to me. I mean, I've always liked to be a rather active person, but really? me. like running? It seems so funny, but I've really been missing it. I think I've turned into one of those crazy people who run for sanity, as opposed to the insanity I previously thought it took to BE a runner in the first place.

I ran for the first time in quite a while on Wednesday and it felt great! I didn't go far, but it was nice to be running. My leg is feeling better but I have this little whisper in my head that keeps saying--don't push it too far or you'll be sorry. So I am going to take it slow for a bit and see how it goes. My next goal was to run a 10K at the beginning of August--I don't know if running the whole thing at this point is realistic, but I think I'm going to register anyways and if I have to walk parts, I'll walk. Swallow my pride, right?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Yes, I am running... and you try going up this hill without four wheels and an engine...

I got a little feisty today while I was running. There's a big hill I've been working on conquering and today was THE day. There have been moments all throughout this deal where one day, I thought I was going to die and the next, well, I realized that not only is it possible but it was not even the limit to what I could do. I was running up the hill (granted, I've been running up the HILL for a couple weeks now) and I finally made it all the way to the top without stopping, not even one walked step, AND, the bigger deal, I could keep going even after I made it to the top AND I was able to recover my breathe before the end of my run. Awesome!

Now to the feisty-ness.

The HILL is on one of the main roads in my town and I generally run up it around the time everyone is getting out of work. What does this mean? A lot of cars and people in cars that can see the pink, sweating, spectacle that is me running up the HILL on this road in the scorching heat. Today I was not in such oxygen depravation that I couldn't think about anything but my running so I put my head up and looked around a little.

I kept seeing people in there cars looking at me. Now-I realize I look a little silly out there pounding the pavement and sweating so much, my skin could be melting off. But people had such rude looks on their faces. SO, this is my response--Yes, I am ACTUALLY running, though it may be slow and why don't you try going up this blasted HILL without a gasoline powered motor underneath you. It looks a little different from outside the car. It is a challenge and I am taking it! So THERE!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Four Miles and Rain

I have discovered two glorious things this week.

1. I can run more than 3 miles. I can in fact run 4! I feel like I've been stuck at this mark for a little while. I improved and improved and improved. I mean, I started at barely making it through a quarter mile. I hit three miles and could do it pretty consistently, but that was it. This weekend I was DETERMINED. I went out Saturday--fail. I came back with nothing but a sunburn and 2 more miles under my soles. Sunday, it was for SURE happening. I was tempted to have my roommate drop me 4 miles away from the house so I had no choice. But no need. I also learned that my mind is tough. Out 2 miles and back = longest run to date. Woo Hoo!

2. Monday I went out for a couple mile run-(I'm aiming to be consistent)- and it rained. I thought, kind of a bummer...but NO! It is so wonderful. It is a whole new sensation and so enjoyable. On a cold wintery day, no maybe not. But in Florida summer-running in the rain brought me right back to my childhood, playing in the rain on a hot steamy day. The steam coming off the scorching pavement has a very distinct smell and it brought the memories of mud pies and puddle hopping flooding back. Bring on the rain!

*the only down side? Rain also brings out the stink in those sneaks...eww.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Hot Bath

Florida is Hot.
The kind of hot that gets absorbed into your body. The kind of hot that stays with you for a while, even after walking into a nice cool air conditioned building. The kind of hot that makes it hard to breathe if you didn't grow up with it. I grew up with it. I've been in Florida my whole life and would venture to say that I've spent a majority of my summer times outside-it's hot and it's great. Yet, every year, I am shocked by just how hot it is and how quickly it changes from the nice breezes of the two week Florida spring time to the stifling hot of summer.

I ran today and it was hot. I did some exercise on the track for a little change of pace and to keep up the routine of my Thursday running class, even though it ended last week (the workout was great, but I missed the friends I made in the class ;) ). I could feel the heat radiating from the track through my shoes. I sprinted the straights and walked the curves of the track for a total of 2 miles traveled. I did some serious sweating. I looked around and there were two other girls out on the track at that time-both wearing shorts and a sports bra. I was seriously tempted to take off my shirt, no matter how much 'jiggling' there would be. Though, I'm a little too modest for that, I will definitely consider up grading my running attire to shorts and a tank top instead of my general uniform of capris and a (now baggy) t-shirt, in case I didn't get my point across, Florida is hot!

Running today in the stifling heat was so therapeutic. It was almost as relaxing as a hot bath, though I didn't smell quite as good at the end. My best friend got married and moved to another state and today was goodbye. In all likelihood this marks the end of us ever living in the same city again. I ran faster because I miss her already. I ran faster as I remembered our years of living together. I ran faster as I wished her the best and sent a part of my heart with her out west.

I ran faster and it was hot and I sweat and I missed my best friend. Running in the heat is relaxing, it comes with a slight sting and it is cleansing. It is like a nice hot bath that makes your skin tingle as you get in.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Planned Amnesia

I went out for a run on Friday when I got home to my parents house. It was probably the hottest day yet and I was tired, hungry, and most likely dehydrated. But, this weekend was my friends Bachelorette party and I knew that healthy eating would not necessarily be the first priority--although, it didn't turn out too bad--running as much as I could before the weekend, therefore, WAS a priority. (exchange--nice!).

Anyways, back to forgetting. I changed clothes and grumbled my way out onto the sidewalk, just knowing that it wasn't going to be a good run. I mapped out a 2.7 mile course close to my house, wrote the directions on my hand and prayed I wouldn't sweat it off before I got home. It was that kind of day, I needed directions on my hand to navigate the neighborhood I've spent practically my whole life in. Then...the dialogue in my head started up as it always does. This is going to be bad. I can't do this. I'm not in good condition right now, I've been sick all week, I'm dehydrated, it's hot, it's really really hot, Okay Self--if you can make it halfway that will be a success, oh, I don't think I'll even make it off my street...and on and on and on.

So, I decided to change my train of thought and this is the theory I've come up with. I need to plan to forget everything I think I know about myself, my body, and my abilities before every run. I continue to surprise myself with how much I can do and how far I can push myself, but it's a mind battle. I need to forget that I can only run 1 mile. I need to not think about that fact that I will not be able to catch my breath after 1.5 miles. I need to not remember that at 2 miles I will have to sit down and rest and skip over the fact that after that rest, I will be so tired I have to walk home. Because-the reality is, NONE of those things are true. At least not anymore. If I ran with no expectations I think I could run much farther than I thought possible. I think my brain is exhausting me well before my body is exhausted. I finished the run just fine, no stopping, no falling over, and I was still able to breathe when I walked in my front door (of course it was heavy breathing--but breath none the less). So. I plan to forget.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


No, I did not "split" my pants, though that would be negative. No, I did not pull a muscle doing a "split"-though that would also be bad. No, of course, I was running.

This is one of the first things in running that's name is appropriate. They are definitely NEGATIVE, as in nothing fun about it! Today in running class we ran two laps around the track at a time, the goal was to make the second one faster than the first. Then, we got a break and did it again three times. I am completely convinced that this is the most sure fire way to ensure that you will puke post-workout. Had I done one more lap...I would have given in. It would have been messy!

The good thing about all this, I can do IT! I am continuously surprised by the limits of my body. Just when I thought I was pushing them to the max, I can do a little more. It is so exciting and so encouraging. I am a runner. I am not embarrassed to say and I no longer feel like a poser. I am a runner.

Now, a few other random things I've been meaning to catch up on.
The Midnight Fun Run, oh yes! Things I know and ignored: I am not a night owl. Midnight is entirely too late for me to do anything beyond cuddle with my pillow unless a lot of caffeine is involved. Napping late in the evening will give me just enough energy to be tired, but not be able to sleep the rest of the night.
Things I learned: despite being exhausted from a long day-I can still run! I am capable of conquering the crazy dialogue in my head that says I'm crazy and cannot do it. I CAN run a 5k at midnight and live long enough and strong enough to complete two really tough workouts and a whole day of work the following day.
Results: This was awesome--but I think I am still recovering.

On a girly-er shopping note--I got new running shoes in the mail today. I was super excited because they are flats, like I was looking for, and neon green tie-dye! Green tie-dye shoes couldn't be a more perfect compliment to my current neon pink tennis. The bummer? They don't fit. Sad day--back in the mail they go.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Glorious Exhaustion!

Complete physical exhaustion is a new feeling for me. At least newish. There were times back when that I would push it HARD in cheerleading camp and come home feeling like a noodle. But as of late and as far as my body is concerned, this feeling is new...and oddly wonderful. It is awesome to know that I have pushed my self to my limit and succeeded. I have done more exercise in the last 24 hours than I had probably done all of last year. Everything hurts and everything is sore and yet, I feel fantastic and proud. I think I even the tip of my nose is a tad bit sore.

To achieve this level of complete done-ness, I started with a 5K race at midnight last night, more on that later, woke up for my regular Thursday morning workout, worked all day--late even (I missed my nap = not OK), then ran for my entire hour long running class.

There is more about all of this, but I will post more later. The exhaustion has reached my brain and is leaching to the tips of my fingers.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I read this today. It is simple and big.

"Running is spirituality with laces. Running teaches us lessons of life, but how we run and why we run reflect the lessons of life already learned."

I agree.

Friday, April 16, 2010


My goal is to run the Disney Princess half-marathon next March. But reaching that goal is not the victory. Every run from the first day forward is the victory! Yesterday, during my running class, I just had to laugh. The warm-up was a lap around the track, stated just so casually. In January when I started this whole "running" thing, I was elated to run through the straights on that same track, let alone a lap. The day I completed ONE WHOLE LAP, I jumped up and down and wanted to scream I was so excited. And here I am, 3 months and change later and the ONE WHOLE LAP around the track was the warm-up, and I could do it and it truly was a warm-up, not the whole workout! That is Victory.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Runs with Dogs

Running with my dog, Bernie, adds a whole new adventure to my runs. There is Me speed which is comparable to a turtle and there is Bernie speed which rivals a race horse. Then, there is my poor little arm desperately trying to hold onto the leash as Bernie leaps and dives after any animal that crosses our path.

Running with a dog is the equivalent of running speed drills. She does not understand my slow almost running pace and insists that we get to a trot at least. I ran my fastest mile this morning when I took Bernie out with me. I was very excited, although, I've never had an arm quite this sore from running...last time I checked running focuses on ones legs.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The thing about blogging

So here's the thing about blogging. It may actually take more motivation for me to sit down and write about running than it takes for me to get up and go out on a run. Now THAT is saying something. If only I could develop some sort of device that allowed me to type while running, I would be a writing machine. My brain just works in a different way on a run. I think "Gee, this would be awesome to put in my blog". Then, I get home, usually hop in the shower and that is the end of the bloggy thoughts.

Routine. That's what I'm going for. I need to develop a deadline for myself and write.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Attitude is everything...

So far, running has been funny and exciting, but today I discovered THE challenge. I would venture to say that one's mental attitude is significantly more important that physicality. Each time I've set out on a run its been such an adrenaline rush to know that I was currently taking one more step than I've ever taken before and I was determined to make it further each time. Today, I went out in a sour mood and so annoyed at the work it was going to take to put one foot in front of the other that not even strapping on my bright pink running sneaks improved my mood; but, I went anyways.

The trail was damp and overcast from the weather. It appropriately reflected my emotions. I started out and 10 steps into my run, literally, I thought I could not go any further. This is the same trail I run on a fairly regular basis. I always start out running and am completely convinced in the moment that my lungs have spontaneously lit on fire and that they may possibly burst out of my mouth. I know, from experience, that this will not indeed happen so I keep going until I can fall into a groove and pound out a my 1.5 mile goal. At that point it takes determination to get into a rhythm and then its great fun. Ten steps was about all my mind could handle today. Ten steps and I couldn't convince myself that my lungs were actually fine. Ten steps and my brain was exhausted. Then to secure my attitude that running was just NOT happening today a strange man on a bicycle followed me for the short distance I had gone. He rode slowly behind me talking to himself and staring. That was it! I turned around and got back in my car.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow I will take more than 10 steps.