Friday, June 18, 2010

Stubborn Injury

I'm sure what is more stubborn, me, or the pain in my leg that just wants to linger on forever.

I haven't been posting because I've hardly been running and the runs that I have done, make me so mad I couldn't bring myself to write.

Here's the deal. Something has been going on with my right shin area (maybe not shin splints? I don't know). I was being stubborn and never gave my leg more than a day or two of rest before I went out and beat it again. Well guess what? It fought back. The pain progressed until it was throbbing at a run, it was throbbing at a walk, it was even hurting while I was sitting still with my leg up. I kept running until I really couldn't take another step without crying. Yes. Tears taught me my lesson. Give it a rest!

So I've been resting it. Guess what I've learned? I really do like running. I know I've said this before, but for some reason it still comes as a sort of shock to me. I mean, I've always liked to be a rather active person, but really? me. like running? It seems so funny, but I've really been missing it. I think I've turned into one of those crazy people who run for sanity, as opposed to the insanity I previously thought it took to BE a runner in the first place.

I ran for the first time in quite a while on Wednesday and it felt great! I didn't go far, but it was nice to be running. My leg is feeling better but I have this little whisper in my head that keeps saying--don't push it too far or you'll be sorry. So I am going to take it slow for a bit and see how it goes. My next goal was to run a 10K at the beginning of August--I don't know if running the whole thing at this point is realistic, but I think I'm going to register anyways and if I have to walk parts, I'll walk. Swallow my pride, right?