Friday, April 16, 2010


My goal is to run the Disney Princess half-marathon next March. But reaching that goal is not the victory. Every run from the first day forward is the victory! Yesterday, during my running class, I just had to laugh. The warm-up was a lap around the track, stated just so casually. In January when I started this whole "running" thing, I was elated to run through the straights on that same track, let alone a lap. The day I completed ONE WHOLE LAP, I jumped up and down and wanted to scream I was so excited. And here I am, 3 months and change later and the ONE WHOLE LAP around the track was the warm-up, and I could do it and it truly was a warm-up, not the whole workout! That is Victory.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Runs with Dogs

Running with my dog, Bernie, adds a whole new adventure to my runs. There is Me speed which is comparable to a turtle and there is Bernie speed which rivals a race horse. Then, there is my poor little arm desperately trying to hold onto the leash as Bernie leaps and dives after any animal that crosses our path.

Running with a dog is the equivalent of running speed drills. She does not understand my slow almost running pace and insists that we get to a trot at least. I ran my fastest mile this morning when I took Bernie out with me. I was very excited, although, I've never had an arm quite this sore from running...last time I checked running focuses on ones legs.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The thing about blogging

So here's the thing about blogging. It may actually take more motivation for me to sit down and write about running than it takes for me to get up and go out on a run. Now THAT is saying something. If only I could develop some sort of device that allowed me to type while running, I would be a writing machine. My brain just works in a different way on a run. I think "Gee, this would be awesome to put in my blog". Then, I get home, usually hop in the shower and that is the end of the bloggy thoughts.

Routine. That's what I'm going for. I need to develop a deadline for myself and write.