Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Four Miles and Rain

I have discovered two glorious things this week.

1. I can run more than 3 miles. I can in fact run 4! I feel like I've been stuck at this mark for a little while. I improved and improved and improved. I mean, I started at barely making it through a quarter mile. I hit three miles and could do it pretty consistently, but that was it. This weekend I was DETERMINED. I went out Saturday--fail. I came back with nothing but a sunburn and 2 more miles under my soles. Sunday, it was for SURE happening. I was tempted to have my roommate drop me 4 miles away from the house so I had no choice. But no need. I also learned that my mind is tough. Out 2 miles and back = longest run to date. Woo Hoo!

2. Monday I went out for a couple mile run-(I'm aiming to be consistent)- and it rained. I thought, kind of a bummer...but NO! It is so wonderful. It is a whole new sensation and so enjoyable. On a cold wintery day, no maybe not. But in Florida summer-running in the rain brought me right back to my childhood, playing in the rain on a hot steamy day. The steam coming off the scorching pavement has a very distinct smell and it brought the memories of mud pies and puddle hopping flooding back. Bring on the rain!

*the only down side? Rain also brings out the stink in those sneaks...eww.