Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Princess Victory!

First things first.... I FINISHED!!!!!!!!

My vision of the week leading up to the race didn't exactly go as planned. Unfortunately, school sometimes gets in the way and things just had to get done. It took all of my brain power and focus to finish my school work that blogging got put on the back burner...and unfortunately, running did too. But! I finished all my big projects and was able to fly off without having to lug around my computer or school work. That was the first victory. A weekend without school! Nice.

So this is how the weekend went. I left for FL at 10:45 pm after a full day of school. I flew across the country under the cover of night and arrived in Orlando at 7 am. It really was an insane time to be flying but I must say, seeing the sun rise from the air....absolutely freaking gorgeous. breathtaking. My mom came and picked me up from the airport, I was SO excited to see her!! As I walked out of the airport to get in the car, I was already shocked at how warm it was. The sun was out (THANK YOU JESUS) and it was already about 75 degrees. It felt delicious on my sun deprived skin, but I was a little worried about race day.
Mom and I drove home and I jumped in bed with the hopes of getting slightly caught up on sleep. When I woke up, my dad was home! Sweetness!
That afternoon my friend Liz and I headed to the "Fit to be a Princess Expo" to meet up with my precious running princess sisters and a few extras I wasn't expecting as well. We got our numbers!! our time chips!!! and an awesome T-shirt!! There were so many beautiful women there ready to show their strength. I keep using awesome, but it really was. Awesome and Sparkly!
Back at home, my mom was cooking up the most delicious pre-race allergy free dinner and my Gramma and Grampa were waiting. How cool is that? We ate, laughed, and I thoroughly enjoyed everyones company. It really was more than I could ask for...especially consider the amount of time I was home! Then, off to bed!
We attempted bed around 7...but between the time change and such excitement, there wasn't much sleep that happened before our 1:30 am wake-up call! EEEK. That is early. Princess Nicole and I got up and put on our running gear and our precious precious cheerleaders, Melissa and Julia got up in support. That is true friendship! A little breakfast and OFF TO THE RACE!

The whole thing, from walking down the red carpet to get to the first gathering area to running across the finish line, was filled to the brim with magic, glitter, and so much fun!

The start was exciting, each wave was sent off by Fairy Godmother and sweet fireworks. We were the 5th wave and couldn't wait for our turn. The fireworks went off and away we went.

The costumes were incredible. People really went all out and the tu-tus were just so precious. The princesses along the way were so much fun and the excitement of everyone running was electric, buzzing energy. The first half went by so fast. We were running along and then all of a sudden, I looked up. There was Cinderella's Castle. I mean, I have been to Disney before, but man o man was that a cool sight...and it was still off in the distance. We ran by our super cheerleaders! and down on into Main Street. Have you ever ran through Disney before the park opens? SO FLIPPIN COOL! Cinderella was calling my name. Around the park we went and then, goodness me, we made it. We ran through the castle and I immediately had goosebumps all over me. Best moment of the race, hands down. But that was only half way. After that it was truly a test of will power, determination and perseverance. It was hard. Really really hard. I was operating on next to no sleep and in heat that my body was not used to. I felt that I could drink at least 4 cups of water at each water station and I had totally forgotten what it was like to sweat. so. much. Mile 8. 9. 10. It hurt but I was determined. I worked my butt off for this, I'm making it. and I'm going to make it strong. Mile 10 there were shouts of excitement all around, WE ONLY HAVE A 5K LEFT!!! I honestly wanted to cry. I have run 5k's, bunches of them. I know what that means. It is not "nothing". My body hurt and 5k meant I had around 30 minutes left to run. Then I heard my necklace jingle a bit. "Attitude is everything". Oh yea! It was hard to take my mind off the pain, I had developed some pretty good blisters and my muscles were letting me know just how little sleep I had gotten in the last 2 nights, but I worked for this. My mind is strong. My body is strong. I was going to finish. One mile at a time. Mile 11. 12. and finally mile 13 and my family. My dad yelled my name and I knew, not only was I close to the finish line, but I was going to finish strong. I turned the corner and there it was. The finish line to my first half marathon! Jesus this was a big moment. This was the finish line for a year long goal. This was a years worth of work and sweat. This was a years worth of determination and conquering my attitude. This was a years worth of Victory. I crossed the finish line. I ran 13.1 MILES!!!!!!

I said in a post earlier this year that the finish line was not the Victory, the victory was every step in between. This is true. But crossing that finish line. That is something. That is something huge. It took a lot to get there. Wow was it cool! Crossing that finish line was most definitely a Victory as sweet as can be!

It took a bit for the sweetness of it all to sink in. My body hurt and I was tired. I had some adventures with my plane ticket and had to quickly figure out some alternative plans to get back to the west coast. I was tired and stressed. I got back to WA a day later than planned, got my key snuggled with my dog, got all my stuff and sat down. I sat down and it suddenly sunk it.

My life is changed. I've been racing all year and I crossed the finish line. I set a goal. I worked HARD to reach it. My attitude has changed. I am strong. I am a Princess. I ran 13.1 miles.

There is nothing "un" about this un-runner.

I am a runner.

This is not the end of my running, but this is the end of the year long blogging journey for the un-runner turned runner. It is a very special thing for me to look back and remember each step of the way. It is a very special thing for me to look back and know I was supported the whole way. Thanks for reading and loving and supporting.

The Very Real Runner!

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